" Input: { (load_table_from_file) - load table directly from file or Select entries or table: (repo_uoa) or (experiment_repo_uoa) - can be wild cards (remote_repo_uoa) - if remote access, use this as a remote repo UOA (module_uoa) or (experiment_module_uoa) - can be wild cards (data_uoa) or (experiment_data_uoa) - can be wild cards (repo_uoa_list) - list of repos to search (module_uoa_list) - list of module to search (data_uoa_list) - list of data to search (search_dict) - search dict (ignore_case) - if 'yes', ignore case when searching OR table - experiment table (if drawing from other functions) (table_info) - point description (flat_keys_list) - list of flat keys to extract from points into table (order is important: for example, for plot -> X,Y,Z) (flat_keys_list_separate_graphs) - [ [keys], [keys], ...] - several graphs ... (sort_index) - (int) dimension to sort (labels_for_separate_graphs) - list of labels for separate graphs (flat_keys_index) - add all flat keys starting from this index (flat_keys_index_end) - add all flat keys ending with this index (default #min) (customize_dots) - if 'yes' and MPL engine, customize color and size from table_info (out_to_file) - save picture or html to file, if supported (will be preserved and not replotted - useful to have a copy of an original image when replotting graphs in interactive papers) (out_repo_uoa) - repo uoa where to save file (when reproducing graphs for interactive articles) (out_module_uoa) - module uoa where to save file (when reproducing graphs for interactive articles) (out_data_uoa) - data uoa where to save file (when reproducing graphs for interactive articles) (out_id) - graph ID in the created graph entry (out_common_meta) - graph common meta in the created graph entry (out_graph_extra_meta) - graph extra meta (parameters and description) (save_table_to_json_file) - save table to json file (save_info_table_to_json_file) - save info table (mtable) to json file (save_table_to_csv_file) - save table to csv file (need keys) (save_to_html) - if interactive or html-based graph, save to html (save_to_style) - if interactive or html-based graph, save to style (if needed) (display_x_error_bar) - if 'yes', display error bar on X axis (using next dim) (display_y_error_bar) - if 'yes', display error bar on Y axis (using next dim) (display_z_error_bar) - if 'yes', display error bar on Z axis (using next dim) Graphical parameters: plot_type - mpl_2d_scatter point_style - dict, setting point style for each separate graph {"0", "1", etc} x_ticks_period - (int) for bar graphs, put periodicity when to show number xmin xmax ymin ymax bound_lines - if 'yes', plot lines bounding all points ... bound_style - ':' by default bound_color - 'r' by default skip_colorbar - if 'yes', do not show colorbar in heatmaps colorbar_pad - (default = 0.15) - pad colorbar h_lines - list of X for horizontal lines h_lines_style h_lines_color v_lines - list of Y for vertical lines v_lines_style v_lines_color If density graph: (bins) - number of bins (int, default = 100) (cov_factor) - float covariance factor d3_div - div ID (ck_interactive). "body" if empty } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 (html) - html, if HTML generator such as d3 (style) - style for html, if HTML generator such as d3 } "